Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Protein in Banana

How much protein in banana? 100 grams of banana have 1,1 grams of protein. 

Bananas are fruits high in protein. Apart from it, avocados, kiwi,  peaches, guavas, apricots, oranges, raspberries, blackberries, cantaloupe are also the fruits which are high in protein.

Please note that not all above are keto-friendly. Keto-friendly fruits high in protein are: avocados, raspberries

Banana is not a keto-friendly fruit and you should avoid it during a keto diet. However, if you are a big fan of it you can eat bananas in a very strict moderation while on the diet. 

One small banana has more than 20 g of net carbs, remember that during keto diet your daily net carbs intake should be below 50 grams. It  means  that you may exceed your entire carb allowance on a single banana. Be particularly careful with bananas when you start your diet. Try to avoid them in the beginning. You can add bananas to your cheat days if you opt for a cycling keto diet. Feel free to find more information about a cycling keto diet here: Cycling Keto Diet 

Nutritional Value of Banana

Bananas have a great nutritional value. Apart from protein, they are also a good source of fiber, vitamins B6 and C, and a few essential minerals: magnesium, potassium, manganese.

Vitamin B6 plays an important role in supporting immune function and brain health.

Vitamin C helps wounds to heal, maintains healthy skin, bones and blood vessels. 

High in Protein Keto-Friendly Fruits

Both avocados and raspberries belong to a fruit group, although often avocado is considered to be a vegetable and raspberry a berry.

Avocado is probably one of the main components of a keto diet. 50 grams of a raw avocado has 1 gram of protein. The same amount of avocado contains only 0,75 g of net carbs.

Avocados have a great nutritional value. They are rich in fiber, healthy fats, vitamins B6, C and E, folate, magnesium and potassium.

 100g of raspberries have 1,2 g of protein. One cup of this fruit contains 6,7 grams of net carbs, making it suitable for a keto diet. However, watch out for total daily carbs amount intake which should remain below 50 g. You need to be careful in the beginning of the diet. Watch out for amounts of low carb foods you are taking, as even those in bigger amounts can take you out of ketosis.

Interesting Facts about Banana

Although many people consider bananas as a fruit, the actual banana tree belongs to a group of herbs.

Botanically banana itself is rather a berry than a fruit.

Though all bananas look more or less alike there are 1,000 different types of it growing around the world.

The biggest producers of this fruit are India and China.

Eating too many bananas can cause weight gain and poor blood sugar control due to high amounts of carbs.

History of this fruit goes back to as far as nearly 10,000 years ago and bananas might be the first fruit known to our ancestors. First bananas had been discovered in Africa.

Modern commercial producer of bananas is Hawaii.

Bananas can lower risk of strokes and heart attacks.

The famous expression “going bananas” means getting very excited, angry, crazy or silly. The expression belongs to a slang group.

Daily banana intake (if you are not following a low carb diet) should be 1-2 fruits. Tooth decay and constipation are also possible side effects of consuming too much of this product.

There is a brand called Banana Republic. It sells clothes and accessories and belongs to the company Gap.

Last but not least don’t go bananas with bananas!